> Dog Walks

GPS Tracking and Weather

Safety and protection always come first.

GPS Tracking and Weather

GPS Tracking

All dogs with The Leash Team wear GPS tracking devices on their walks as an extra ounce of precaution.

We use Tracktive GPS on all Dogs at a cost of $3.50 per month.

All our dog walkers are certified dog walkers as well. They've all taken extensive training on dog behaviours, safety and dog walking protocols, processes and proceedures.

In 2021, all our dogs trainers will be using whistles to improve overall recall. We will be providing each of our human clients with a whistle as well so that they can reinforce this great habit.


Weather Considerations

We're always looking at some challenges with the weather, and will follow some basic guidelines mixed in with, (we hope) some common sense.

The criteria for walks will be as follows:

  • -10◦ C plus              - Full 1-hour walks.
  • -10◦ C   to -15◦ C     - Walks will be shortened to 45-50 Minutes
  • -15◦ C    to -20◦ C    - Walks will be shortened to 35-45 Minutes
  • -20◦ C    to - 25◦ C  - Walks will be shortened to 25-35 Minutes. Dogs with difficulty dealing with colds may be canceled at either The Leash Team's discretion or the Owner's request.
  • -25◦ C    or less      - Walks may be canceled.

Walks may be Cancelled if road and walking conditions are unsafe.

Wind, Snow, Rain, and Sun

Here is where common sense comes into play, there are other factors like wind, snow, rain, and sun that have an impact on the time the dogs will spend outdoors…For example, a sunny -14 day with no wind can be very pleasant for the dogs whereas a -8 with a 40 km wind can be extremely unpleasant. The weather is not a factor for us as we can dress for any conditions…the only important factor in the decision-making will be the safety and comfort of the dogs which will always be our number one concern.



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The Leash Team


The Happiest dog walks in Edmonton.

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